
Thursday, 29 January 2015

Download Windows 10 Technical Preview ISO with Product Key

Follow these steps to download Technical Preview:

Sign up for the Windows Insider Program, if you haven't already.

Read the system requirements.

Click one of the Download links on this page to download a special
file—it's called an ISO file—that you can use to install the preview.

When the download is complete, transfer the ISO file to installation
media such as a USB flash drive or DVD.
Double-tap or double-click setup.exe from the installation media,
and then follow the steps.


Language English (United States)


Windows 10 Technical Preview (x64)

(3.92 GB)

SHA-1 hash value 6A95316728299D95249A29FBEB9676DED23B8BEB

Windows 10 Technical Preview (x86)

(3.01 GB)

SHA-1 hash value 1AE10947CC297AE299E1C81F95812EFBB5C84121

Monday, 26 January 2015

Memory And CPU Check Script


Today I have created one powershell script which is useful to diagnose high CPU and Memory Consumption on Windows Server..



#Memory And CPU Check Script by Prashant SHalgar; 2014#

        $scripthost = Read-Host 'Enter 1 for Memory or 2 for CPU';
        "Server Diagnostics"
        if ($scripthost -match "1")

            #Memory and CPU Check Script by Prashant Shalgar#

#Top 10 Processes using Physical Memory #

"The Top 10 Processes using Physical Memory are:"

Get-Process | Sort-Object -Property "WS" -desc | Select-Object -First 15
#Total and Available Physical Memory"
systeminfo | findstr "Memory"

($scripthost -match "2")
{  #Top 10 Processes using CPU #

echo "The Top 10 Processes using CPU are:"

Get-Process | Sort-Object -Property "CPU" -desc | Select-Object -First 15
" "
"#Load On CPU"
Get-WmiObject win32_processor | select LoadPercentage

Get-WmiObject win32_processor | Measure-Object -property LoadPercentage -Average -maximum -minimum | Select

  Write-Host -BackgroundColor White -ForegroundColor Red "INVALID ENTRY! Please try again."


 "#All User Sessions On This Server"
query session

Read-Host -Prompt "Press Enter to exit"


Configuring Windows Server Core 2012 Part 2

Configuring Basic Settings
  1. Connect with server core using Remote desktop Connection.
  1. Type "netsh int ipv4 show address to view current ip address of server" to view the adepter name and IP adress.

To configure basic setting in server core we have use some commands,e.g to configure network adapter settings we have to use netsh, and to rename or to join computer in domain we have use netdom, below is step by step procedure which will help to configure you core server.

  1. To change ip address we have fire "netsh int ipv4 set address name=Ethernet source=staic address= mask= gateway=",you might get disconnect if you had taken RDP session, so connect again to server by new IP.
  2. To added or change DNS server settings Type"netsh int ipv4 add dnsservers "Eternet(Name of Network Adapder)" of DNS Server)
  3. And now to verify that will type ipconfig/all
  4. To view ComputerName type "hostname" or "Set".And to change Computer Name Type "netdom renamecomputer %computername% /newname:Win-WSUS /userd:administrator /passwordd:<EnterPassword> /reboot:0"


Type sconfig

001-StartSConfigThe first thing I always do, is change the computer name of my server. To do this, enter 2 and hit enter. It will now ask for the new computer name, enter your computer name and hit enter.A popup will appear asking you if you want to reboot, click No, since we also want to change the IP configuration now.
002-RenameComputerYou will go back to the main menu automatically. No to change the IP address of this server, use option 8 and hit enter. A list of available adapters will be displayed (in my case, I only have one virtual NIC in my machine).
003-IPConfigEnter the number which is in front of the adapter you want to change and hit enter. The menu will display a sub-menu with the current configuration and options to change your adapter settings.
004-IPAdapterSelectedNow to change the IP address, enter option 1 and hit enter. SConfig will ask you if you want to configure this adapter to use DHCP or a static IP. In this example, I’m using a static IP, so enter s and hit enter. Next, sconfig will ask you for the IP address, subnet mask and default gateway. Just enter the information.
005-SetIPNext is to configure the DNS server. Select option 2 and enter the IP of your DNS server. A popup will appear telling you that the DNS server has been set.
006-DNSSetSconfig will ask you for a secondary DNS server. In this example, I’m just using one DNS server, so just hit enter to leave it empty. After this, you will return in the network adapter configuration again.
006-DNSSetDoneTo return to the main menu, enter option 4 and hit enter. Now we want to reboot this server. This would be option number 13. Sconfig will ask you if you are sure, press Yes.
007-RebootAfter the server has been rebooted, log in using your Administrator credentials again and start sconfig. Now to join the domain, enter option 1. Sconfig will ask you if you want to join a domain or a workgroup, enter option D and hit enter. Enter the name of your domain and hit enter. Next, sconfig will ask for an account which is authorized to join this machine to the domain. Enter an account with correct permissions and hit enter. Now sconfig will ask for the password for that account, enter it and hit enter. The next question is if we want to change the computer name before you join this machine to the domain. Since we already changed the computer name at the beginning, click No.
008-JoinDomainNow the machine is joined to the domain, reboot the machine and you’re done!

Thats all in Part 2

Thanks For reading..

Configuring Windows Server Core 2012 Part 1

Before configuring server core i would like to show you cool function with Windows 2012 is that, we can now switch from GUI interface to Server Core and viceversa after the installation of server 2012.Here is the step by step procedure to switch server from GUI to Core and Core to GUI.

GUI to Core 
  1. Connect with server, and Open Server Manager.
  2. Go to Manage and Remove Roles and Feature.
  3. Select the server from server pool and click Next.
  4. And in features, Unclick the User Interfaces and Infrastructure and click on remove features
  5. After the Removal, reboot the server.
    And WALA server switched to Core.
  6. We can do this thing using powershell                                                                                     Remove-WindowsFeature Server-Gui-Shell, Server-Gui-Mgmt-Infra

Core To GUI
  1. In  command prompt type Powershell
  2. Now type  Add-WindowsFeature Server-Gui-Shell, Server-Gui-Mgmt-Infra and hit enter
  3. After this we need to restart the server
  4. Type shutdown -r -t 00 (-r is for restart and -t for time i.e 00 seconds)
  5. After the Restart we can see that server is now switched to GUI.

Thanks to all for reading,
Will right back with Part 2.

Migrating Server Using Windows Migration Tool

Hi Guys,

In this post we will going to migrate windows server 2003 (32bit) to windows server 2012.For this we are using FileSer-01(Source) file server which will to migrated on server WSUS-01(Destination) with the help of Windows Migration Tool.
So lets get started.

Install Windows Server Migration Tools Feature on source machine.

  1. Connect with server WSUS-01 and Install Windows Server Migration Tools Feature.
  2. Go to Server Manager >> Add roles and features 
  3. Click Install
  4. Once it get finished, click close
OR      We can use powershell command

{code}Install-WindowsFeature Migration -ComputerName <Hostname>{code}

Here we have done with installation of Windows Migration Tools.

  • On WSUS-01 open powershell
  • Execute this command {code} .\SmigDeploy.exe /package /architecture x86 /os WS03 /path C:\MIG {code} 

Based on the source server you want to prep for you would issue the following command:
 Windows Server 2012
SmigDeploy.exe /package /architecture amd64 /os WS12 /path <deployment folder path>
Windows Server 2008 R2
SmigDeploy.exe /package /architecture amd64 /os WS08R2 /path <deployment folder path>
Windows Server 2008
SmigDeploy.exe /package /architecture amd64 /os WS08 /path <deployment folder path>
Windows Server 2008 32bit
SmigDeploy.exe /package /architecture X86 /os WS08 /path <deployment folder path>
Windows Server 2003 64bit
SmigDeploy.exe /package /architecture amd64 /os WS03 /path <deployment folder path>
Windows Server 2003 32bit
SmigDeploy.exe /package /architecture X86 /os WS03 /path <deployment folder path>
We are using 32 bit Windows 2003 source server.
  • Now Copy MIG folder to source machine i.e Fileser01,you can see all these folders               
  • Before executing SmigDeploy.exe we need to check the prerequesites for Windows Server Migration Tools

  • Now execute SmigDeploy.exe in Command prompt.
  • It will open one powershell session, Type Add-PSSnapin Microsoft.Windows.ServerManager.Migration

  • Now go on destination server i.e. WSUS-01 and open Server Manger >> Tools >> Windows Server Migration Tools >> Windows Server Migration Tools
Here we have Successfully enabled Server Migration Tools, please refer Technet Site for more info.

Deploy and configure Windows Deployment Services

Hi Guys,

In this post, we will deploy and configure Windows Deployment Services. Below is the Step-by-Step procedure to deploy and configure WDS. Two thing which are necessary to make you WDS up and running one is your Active Directory to authentication and DHCP server to provide Dynamic IPs to boot the client via network and get deployed Operating System.
In this demo i am using TEST-DC1 as my domain controller(AD) with DNS, DHCP role installed and WDS-01 as WDS server.

Deploy WDS Role - 
  1. Connect to server WDS-01 with Windows Server 2012 DVD.
  2. Go to Server Manager, Click Add Roles and Features
  3. Click Next to "Before You Begin", you can Skip this page by default.
  4. Select Role-based or Feature-based installation and click Next.
  5. Select a server from the server pool and Click Next.
  6. Now Select Windows Deployment Services and Add required features, Click Next
  7. Click Next.
  8. Note the things and Click Next,
  9. This Page we can select both or only deployment server. Deployment server is the core service which any deploy images on client and transport server is responsible to transmit data using multicasting.
  10. And now verify the setting and Click install.
  11. Once it get complete click Close.

Now Connect to TEST-DC1 to configure scope for WDS.

Configure DHCP Scope -

  1. Open DHCP Manager and right click, make sure that you DHCP server is authorised to lease IPs to client.
  2. Right Click on IPv4 and Select New Scope, it will open New Scope Wizard, Click Next.
  3. Give appropriate name and description and Click Next.
  4. Enter the range of addresses that the scope should distribute to client and also define the subnet mask.
  5. If you have any exclusion and delay provide the values or simply Click Next,
  6. Provide lease duration and Click Next,
  7. Select Yes, I want to Configure these option now and Click,
  8. Specify the Default gateways and Click Next,
  9. Provide DNS server and Click Next,
  10. Next, Next (To activate the scope) and Finish.
  11. We need to configure two more DHCP options that are
We have done with DNS scope and We have already Deployed WDS on WDS-01.

Now Connect to Server WDS-01 to configure the WDS Settings.

Configure WDS Role -
  1. Open Windows Deployment Service Management Console
  2. Expand Servers. Click WDS-01. In the Action menu, click Configure Server. This will launch the Windows Deployment Services Configuration Wizard. Click Next.
  3. In the Install Options page, click Integrated With Active Directory and click Next.
  4. In the Remote Installation Folder Location page, verify that C:\RemoteInstall is selected and click Next.
  5. In the System Volume Warning dialog box, click Yes.
  6. On PXE Server Initial Settings will select Respond to all client computer(Know and unknown) with Require administrator approval.
  7. It will Start Configuration you WDS server,After that Click Add images to the server now and Finish
  8. Enter the Path and Click Next
  9. Create Image Group and Click Next,
  10. Review Settings & Click Next
  11. It will start adding all images contain in that path.Once it get complete Click Finish.
Verify Install and boot images are Successfully.

Deploying OS using WDS - 
  1. Connect any blank server which doesn't have the OS(Physical Or VM)
  2. Here we are using VM in our Vsphere Infrastrure.
  3. Power On the VM.
  4. Boot through NIC and Press F12 after it will start Preparing the PXE(PreXecution Environment)
  5. Select Language and Click Next,

  6. Enter Credentials
  7. Select Operating System you want
  8. You can create partitions formate disk at this stage or simply click next it will Create one partition and Install OS in that.
  9. Here it starts the Installation. 

We have Successfully Deployed Image using WDS.

Hardly Thank to All For Reading and will right back with new Post.
Till the time enjoy and have fun 